Tuesday, August 27, 2019

PWS 13

PWS is now a teenager. The age where we think we are smarter than everyone. Where we act and think irrationally. I find this to be very ironic as I look over the #PWS13 rosters.

KHH - When you hit the age of 13 you start to have an interest in the opposite sex. Unfortunately boys have no idea what they are doing. Much like George being seduced by one of the hot girls in school, Melvin Gordon. George thinks Gordon is cool. George has aspirations of taking Gordon to the school dance. What George will come to find is Gordon... is just not that into him. Gordon is interested in Highscool boys with a nice car and a pocket full of trust fund money. Gordon will not settle for anything less. Now, if George had listened to his parents he wouldn't have all his eggs in one basket. He would talk to other girls. Have other girls phone numbers. Have a lot of girls that could make the rest of his friend jealous at the end of year dance. George however does not have a back up plan. George has one of the worst benches in PWS history. This will leave George in puppy love heart break.

Agg Swagg - When you turn 13 it can be cool to be bad. You get to show off in front of your friends and have a couple laughs. At the end of the day where does that leave you ? In detention reflecting back on how it all went so wrong. Nick is associating with a crowd of bad boys in Zeke and Tyreek. This will be a one way ticket to the annex if he doesn't shape up fast.

Little Giants - Man elementary school can be easy for some kids, but social studies ... division... this is going to be tough! Sadly for Phillip he is too arrogant to study. His past grade school success has left him fat. Both from all his celebratory cake he ate all summer and with arrogance. Phillip showed up to the test thinking it was going to be simple. Draft Todd Gurley. Easy... A+.... if Phillip had cared to study at all his research would have showed that times have changed. Gurley isn't the correct answer anymore. Leaving Phillip to attend after school tutoring sessions and grounded from cake. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

The Comebacks - It can be easy to fall into peer pressure at this age. Luckily for Drew he was raised in a good home with a brother named The People's Champ. Drew is a responsible young lad with aspirations of a scholarship. Everyone told him not to draft Sony Michel. Drew did his homework. He could not be seduced by the pressure of his peers. He drafted Michel with confidence. Good study habits will pay off. Much like they did when the teacher brought out a pop quiz. Only Drew was prepared and aced it with Tony Pollard.

TPC - it's hard to be a good role model for your younger brother growing up. To teach good study habits, or how to find #value. Brett isn't worried so much about today as he is for the future. Brett is drafting next years first rounders in Aaron Jones and Leonard Fornette. Brett has this years MVP as well in Carson Wentz. Brett has also befriended the school athlete Mike William's. Mike Williams will help keep Brett out of Bye week Bully trouble.

Party with Mahomies - We think we are old at 13. We think we are tough. We try not to be afraid of the things that scared us as a kid. Mike is petrified of Clowns. Wanting to act tough Mike accepted the offer to watch the New IT movie. BIG mistake. This movie was staring the biggest and scariest clown of all... Antonio Brown. Antonio Brown goes on to haunt Mike's dreams every night... all season long.

The Papa Burgundys - Ever finish a test surprisingly fast compared to the rest of the class ? Most of us fall into a panic, frantically searching for something we might have missed. Well folks, Holeman wasn't one of those. He stood up from his desk like he was Ebers after drafting Michael Jenkins and turned it in with supreme confidence. Thinking to himself "I aced that test so hard". Only to later find out there was a back to the test. Holeman crushed the front page on RBs but completely forgot about the back page which was entirely on WRs. The chase for 4 will remain... Incomplete.

Miller Gold Agency - Procrastination is a common habit for young teenagers. Dylan kept putting off drafting a QB. "I can get one later" he thought after each QB was taken. Before he knew it the window for selecting a QB was closed. Luckily he was given a chance for some extra credit and landed Cam Newton. Will this be enough to pass ? Will Dylan need to do more special assignments? Only time will tell.

Nature Boys - Some of us take gym, others.... they take Home Ec. Taking Home Ec will not make you very popular with the bros. In fact it has already cost Sam one of his good friends Lamar Miller. Sam is still content with cooking it up this year which begs the question.... with all this cooking will Sam have time for wins or will it leave him.... #cooked

Dirty Birds - No one likes the know it all kid. The kid who is constantly correcting you or belittling you for having a trash pokemon collection. #wouldntmakeitinmybinder
Nick's big data computer led him to potential fantasy gold with Nick Chubb but his behavior came at a price. His best friend Andrew Luck no longer wants to hangout. The joy has been robbed from Andrew and thus he must search for new friends. Nick has been forced to befriend the school loser Jared Goff. Has his Luck run out in the Auction Era ?

Aaron's Party - The cool kid. The kid who bullies you and you are just excited he knew your name. Tyler is the kid who throws big parties and when the cops come for a noise complaint, Tyler calmly answers the door and says it's bible study and that "we just love praising the lord so much it's hard not to get excited and shout". The officers tip their caps and move along. Not only does he throw bumpin parties, he has a sick pokemon collection even Nick could envy. His secret ? He will tell you your Charizard is lame and that you need more rare circle shape pokemon. He's such a nice guy that he is even willing to trade you a diamond shape AND a circle shape pokemon for your charizard. Tyler is primed and ready to throw a party that just don't stop.

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