Wednesday, October 2, 2019

PWS Trade Reasonableness Rankings

Here are the PWS trade reasonableness rankings presented by an anonymous member of Reservations4-six.

T-R-A-D-E, we all love and live for the word. PWS has really stepped up its game in the last couple years when it comes to the Trade Game. It all started at the draft when cash trades were being made left and right. Mahomes tried out for 3 teams before he eventually made a home on the BOSS ASSES. The introduction of #TradeTuesday has upped the ante even more and I hope the Trade Game continues to grow all throughout the league. 

In saying that, we all know that there those who are easy to make a fair trade with and there are those who are not. I am writing this article to provide you with the awareness you need that might help you when making your next big deal. 

Trade Reasonableness Rankings 

(1 being the best to trade with, 11 being the worst to trade with)

N/A - Nick Edel. Hasn't made enough trades to be included on the rankings. For someone who always talks about putting their balls on the table he sure does shrivel up when it comes to trades. Better luck next year.

  1. Tyler Branch - the man knows a great deal and doesn't hesitate to pull the trigger when he sees one. He made a deal with someone who is ranked #10 on this list while enjoying Salada yesterday on his lunch break. Good and fair deals never stop with this guy. He truly wants what is best for all parties. Those parties being the two best parties there are, PWS and Aaron's Party. 
  2. Mike Edel - the Payroll Cowboy is a salesmen through and through. Always in the running for making the most trades each year. Mike finds a guy he likes and doesn't hold back on the offer. He will often pay a premium for the likes of Adrian Peterson, John Brown, and any white WR on the Patriots. Once Mike texts you about a trade, you know a deal is getting done. A reasonably fair deal at that. 
  3. Joe Turnbull - I know what you're thinking, two Muddogs in the top 3? Yes. Together you don't want any part of them (often called getting "Muddogged") but apart its a whole different ballgame. Joe just wants BOSS ASS players for all. If you're not trying to trade for Mahomes, Joe is ready to deal with a BOSS ASS ROI coming your way.
  4. Dylan Davis - Deals only went he needs to and I respect that. Trades are for changing things up and that is exactly what Dylan is ready to do. No one on Dylan's teams are ever untradable because you can't put all your eggs in one basket in this league. He knows that one week his guy could put up 30 and the next he could be limping off the field with a torn ACL (a common occurrence for Dylan's players). He sells at the right time at a fair price.
  5. Drew Jones - Drew only comes in at number 5 because the guy doesn't deal much. Actually he is one of three who hasn't made one trade in PWS this year. You would think with a name like "The Replacements" that he would be more willing to replace his players with other players.
  6. Michael Holeman - The commissioner always has to stay partial and can't let one "lopsided" trade in his favor ruin his reputation. Always has to think "would Soliz consider this collusion" before any deal is done. With that attitude, a fair and even deal is all this guy is offering.
  7. Phillip Holeman - Phllip actively pursues  trades whether he is first or last. Phillip will trade with anyone and is always open to hearing your offer out before saying "Not tradeable". Phillip offers deals that are at worst worthy of a counter. He has accurate evaluations of player values even players on his team that he likes. He remains unbiased. He's even been a part of multiple 3 team trades. The only member of PWS that can say that. Phillip is a reasonable guy so if he tries to trade for a handcuff please don't ask for starters and for the love of god can someone please take Gurley off his hands before Gurley gets 20 touches a game. Gurley + Kamara with 2 WR1s might extend the Holeman dynasty. Please... dear god someone stop the Holemans.
  8. Brett Jones - Well I used to think Brett was a little tough to trade with because he had so many assets and he was waiting to unleash them all for a big time play maker. Guess Brett and I have a different idea of what a big time play maker looks like. Hope this Ronnie doesn't turn out like the last relevant Ronnie in PWS (Ronnie Brown). Brett often mulls over deals for a while only to back out of the deal completely without a counter offer. The People's Champ takes an alter ego when it comes to making deals in this league, The People's Chump.
  9. Nick Soliz - The guy gets a CHUBB just hearing the word Trade. Only the problem is the data says trading isn't for him. Soliz is always is open to hearing offers, but then spends hours researching only to back out of deal because his Super Computer says otherwise. Pending lawsuits and restraining orders from players like Chris Godwin and Nick Chubb also might hold up trade talks. Soliz also gets too attached to his players to trade them for what he would consider equal value. Guess Soliz has never heard the saying "If you truly love something, let it go".
  10. George Bradley - George is always dealing. Never satisfied with his team which I can respect but George uses the tactics off telling you how bad the player is that he wants to trade you for. This complicates things in every trade and makes people reevaluate why George would even want that player. I imagine George would use this meme to describe to an outsider how he tries to trade in PWS:
  11. Sam Landis - Last but not least. Sam goes with the tactic of telling you who he would like from you team (often the best players) while also telling you that he will not trade any of his best players. Sam is always trying to deal and has probably texted more people about trades than anyone in the league, but has yet to actually make a trade this year. I respect the effort and love that you are always wanting to deal, but the strategy might need to change if you actually want to make a trade. 

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